Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lauren Hutton's Makeup Holy Grail

"I'd find makeup with the least amount of glitter. I'd smash it up and add talc to thin it out," she says.
Researching the effects of aging on her face "became my grail," she says.

Models have flaws like anyone else, says Lauren Hutton. They've just learned to use makeup to hide the flaws — and enhance their assets. But when Hutton returned to modeling, makeup tricks didn't work.
"I realized makeup made me look worse — older, artificial, like a painted doll," she says. "In order to work, I had to invent a new kind of makeup."

The market was crowded with cosmetics, so why go up against all that competition?
"Because it's what I know very, very, very well," says Hutton, 62. "I'm the only model I know who's had a continuing working history in fashion for 40 years


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