Thursday, September 21, 2006

Skinny Models Given The "Pink Slip"

According to a global study, two-thirds of women strongly agree that the media and advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can't ever achieve. Inspired by these findings, Dove launched the Campaign for Real Beauty in September 2004. This campaign, featuring six brave women who faced the world in nothing but their underwear and a lot of "sassy attitude," was launched with the hopes of changing the way women perceive their bodies, and their beauty, by widening the definition of what it means to be beautiful. Dove's "real women with real bodies and real curves," were embraced by women worldwide.

BB Editor: We need more than Dove to step up to this plate (no pend intended). Maybe sending those skinny anorexic models packing will help. Giving new meaning to the words "Pink Slip" in the fashion


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